On a regular school day, you sit down at the computer, and you swear you'll be productive. You open your browser to do one thing and end up checking your Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or something else? Everyone has those sites that they “only check a couple of times a day”. These can add up to a lot of time without you realising it.
What you haven't done is WORK. No more procrastinating on the web when you need to get your work done! Open your browsers and try these extensions/add-ons and get work done quickly and efficiently! Never let the Internet distract you again. Having good information and constant feedback helps you manage your time better, so you can spend your day the way you’d like.
Here are some web extensions that you can test to improve your productivity and reduce your distractions with two of the most popular web browsers, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
1. Go to https://chrome.google.com/ webstore
2. Search for the following extensions:
2. Search for the following extensions:
A simple and intuitive extension that lets you keep track of how you're spending your time on the web. It keeps track of the tab that you are actively using and updates its stats every 3 seconds.
Enforces a 25min/5min workflow: 25 minutes of distraction-free work, followed by 5 minutes of break. Repeat as necessary.
This productivity extension helps you stay focused on work by restricting the amount of time you can spend on time-wasting websites. Once your allotted time has been used up, the sites you have blocked will be inaccessible for the rest of the day.
With Distractus, you can add websites to your black- and whitelist. When you have to do some work, but try to visit a forbidden website, Distractus warns you that there’s risk that you are getting distracted. On every page, you can press the key combination command+option+Q to add the page to your blacklist. Command+option+shift+Q adds the page to the whitelist.
Idderall allows you to setup blocked sites, block periods, and best of all: a deterrent to keep you from accessing settings and unblock sites. Idderall has 3 possible deterrents. What will stop you from going on blocked sites? Perhaps money will talk to you (losing money that is), if not, maybe an intervention from friends, or the potential for being embarrassed on facebook will stop you. If you need to access a blocked site or change your settings, you will need to suffer your chosen deterrent. Idderall is not simple to deactivate like other productivity tools. Idderall cannot be uninstalled or deactivated while a block is active.
Keeps track of the time you spend in your browser, and gives a clear picture of what you were doing all day. It tracks the time you spend in the currently active tab or window of your browser. RescueTime does it’s best to auto-categorise the sites you visit and scores them on a scale from Very Productive to Very Distracting. You can easily fine-tune the defaults to suit your needs. RescueTime lets you see how you spent your time on a day, week, or month basis.
There are many other extensions and add-ons but these are the ones that I have tested and work well. Please remember. None of these extensions or add-ons will do have any positive effect on your browsing habits unless you give them a try and learn how to customise to suit your own needs. We are not saying that you should not use FB, or Twitter, or any other site. We can’t just give up technology, cold turkey. It is not going to work that way. What is really important is that you learn to control your actions with your technology now or you’re going to end up , according to Dr. Larry Rosen, having a dysfunctional brain, that’s the bottom line. And that will lead to dysfunctional relationships, dysfunctional career, dysfunctional life.
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