Monday, September 15, 2014

NEW! Lucidchart Diagrams in our Google Apps Domain

A quick blog post about a new tool in our Google Apps domain. From now on students and teachers can use Lucidchart for Education, a web-based diagramming tool that makes drawing diagrams fast and easy. Students can work individually on assignments or with an unlimited number of other classmates to create and edit diagrams in real time -- great for group work. The beauty of all this is that Lucidchart works just like a Google Doc.

I have been working with some Humanities teachers co-teaching about Mind Mapping and creating mind maps using Lucidchart. 

Here are some Mind Mapping Guidelines from the web:

Please consider using Mind Maps with your students. From Humanities to Spanish classes, mind mapping can be used in any subject area to help students visually organise information.

Here are a few examples of mind maps. Below, a mind map from a Humanities class on Identity (courtesy of John K.). Here's a student blog post with a mind map created using LucidChart.

This is from a Spanish diagram:

For more information, watch this short video from a world expert in Mind Mapping, Tony Buzan.

With Lucidchart installed for Google Drive, you can:

- Create, open and share Lucidchart documents from Drive
- Export Lucidchart documents as a PNG, JPG or PDF to be stored in Drive
- Share your diagrams with collaborators for feedback and review

Please, let me know if you are interested in using this tool in your class. If you have any questions or issues connecting to LucidChart, don't hesitate to contact me.

So how do students connect to Lucidchart

All students can find Lucidchart Diagram in Google Drive's Create button:

They can also find it under More Apps, next to Haiku Learning:

This is a view of LucidChart.

1 comment:

Evan said...

Do you have a review about creately diagram software app integration as well?